Friday Field Fire: 58 of 75 positions are still available (22% taken) for Field Fire. Friday Precision Rifle Clinic: 14 of 16 positions are still available (12% taken) for the Precision Rifle Clinic. Friday High Intensity: 17 of 25 positions are still available (32% taken) for the High Intensity event. Friday Personal Fireballs: 4 of 4 positions are still available (0% taken) for the personal Fireballs. Saturday Field Fire: 44 of 75 positions are still available (41% taken) for Field Fire. Saturday Precision Rifle Clinic: 16 of 16 positions are still available (0% taken) for the Precision Rifle Clinic. Saturday High Intensity: 15 of 25 positions are still available (40% taken) for the High Intensity event. Saturday Dinner: 67 of 90 plates are still available (25% taken) for the Saturday night dinner. Sunday Long Range: 34 of 76 positions are still available (55% taken). View the available positions for shooting at hundreds of exploding targets.
There are still 34 positions available. But if none of these positions are suitable for your needs get on the announcement email list to be notified if a new position becomes available.
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