Boomershoot 2025
May 2nd-May 4th
Entry Form

The main long range event is on Sunday.
The price for one shooting position is $250 for the first shooter, $175 for the second, and $85 for the third.

The price per day for the Precision Rifle Clinic on Friday or Saturday is $177.
The price of the Precision Rifle Clinic for both Friday and Saturday is $250.
The price per day for Field Fire on Friday and Saturday is $62.
The price per day for High Intensity on Friday and Saturday is $60.
Registrations opens for everyone at 12/30/2024 6:00:00 PM Pacific Time

If you have problems with this form or have questions please send an email to entry @ or call Joe Huffman at 208-301-4254.

Friday Field Fire: 74 of 75 positions are still available (1% taken) for Field Fire.
Friday Precision Rifle Clinic:
16 of 16 positions are still available (0% taken) for the Precision Rifle Clinic.
Friday High Intensity:
23 of 25 positions are still available (8% taken) for the High Intensity event.
Friday Personal Fireballs:
4 of 4 positions are still available (0% taken) for the personal Fireballs.

Saturday Field Fire:
73 of 75 positions are still available (2% taken) for Field Fire.
Saturday Precision Rifle Clinic:
16 of 16 positions are still available (0% taken) for the Precision Rifle Clinic.
Saturday High Intensity:
23 of 25 positions are still available (8% taken) for the High Intensity event.
Saturday Dinner:
88 of 90 plates are still available (2% taken) for the Saturday night dinner.

Sunday Long Range:
73 of 76 positions are still available (3% taken). View the available positions for shooting at hundreds of exploding targets.

Refund policy.

Notification List

Registration is not open but is planned to open soon.

Registration opens for staff 12/22/2024 6:00:00 PM Pacific Time.
Registration opens for previous year participants 12/26/2024 6:00:00 PM Pacific Time.
Registration opens for everyone 12/30/2024 6:00:00 PM
If you think this is an error please fill out the entry information and press the "Update Price" button or contact Joe Huffman to correct the error.
Current Pacific Time is 12/22/2024 4:15:13 AM

To get on the Boomershoot announcement list send an email to